We hope that the files below help you prepare for BELLARMUN 2024! Please keep in mind that there is no research requirement to attend BELLARMUN, and all information provided below is optional to review. However, delegates are encouraged to research their country specifically using the CIA World Factbook or the IMUNA Country Profiles and any articles from legitimate news sources such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, British Broadcasting Corporation, or National Public Radio regarding their topic. While filling out the delegate worksheet and additional research are highly recommended, we welcome delegates of all preparation levels to participate in BELLARMUN 2024.

All resources published by BELLARMUN are intended to be used as an educational tool. Therefore, anyone is allowed to use BELLARMUN materials in a teaching capacity so long as the language and structure of the documents is not altered and all BELLARMUN branding is clearly visible. If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary-General at